Saturday, February 20, 2010

My future....

Hi viewers....its been a long chinese new year week.....i really dun have the time to blog........hehe.......well......i .will update u all on my trip to kampar/ipoh and also all the cny visits......especially the 4x4 trip...........well today i will tell abit bout my all started when i join PRS...........AKA Pemimpin Rakan Sebaya........i have a lot of contacts with the counselor in school......and one day when i was having free period......i went to the counselor office and start to tell about my dreams........................because its 3am in the morning now......and i cant really i turn on my laptop and will there is an itch on my hand and i feel like typing........and feels good to type on as i went in the toilet and wash my face........i start to have an idea on what to i have Big PLANS after dream was always to an world famous Cardiac Surgeon......i am really passionate about the counselor actually gave great advice.........and now i am even more fire up for my studies.........and i know what i am going to do next........i am heading on to do foundation in science.......that is the plan.......and my mom is actually happy that i have a she agree...and now is all up to me to do my very best in SPM......and hopefully get a scholarship and don't have to use my mom's single sen.........hehe.......well back to the case......why am i so passionate about being a surgeon......all thanks to grey's anatomy that sir love to watch........i love the lifestyle of being on call and also actually holding a scalpel...i love to be on duty on restless night......hehe.......and i chose to be a cardiac specialist because i think the heart is the most delicate organ in our body.......its every move is designed so perfectly that it is a vital organ in our body.........and it is also an instrument.......hehe...umpamalah!!!!!!its beat are actually similar to drum's beat......and i really love music.....xD...'s the thing.......i know that i should focus in spm 1st....and should not jump into any other path.......but just by thinking that im going to enter this career.......i got a strong feeling that im going to be successful and show to all my relative's and friends that say i won make it that i did it.......this is not a sort of revenge......but haha.....just to show i did it..........and ya everytime i said that i have this dream and people atempt to say'You are the last person that i will see if i have any probs' not complaining......but this is life......and i actually dun mind what people said.......but sometimes it feels ridiculous..........haha.....not trying to be emo on my blog or anything but just wanna show that this is life...and all men are for themselves.......but that is not the truth people....there are still great friends among just have to open up your eye and take a look at this world.......well for example i have 18 people that are important to me......excluding my parents because they are the most important....but yeah......i have 18 of them...........

well...the reason i crap so much is because i want my blog to look long and cool.......but that is the truth and those are really my thoughts...........and i appreaciate that you read this far...haha.........well....i hope to be Dr.Hon soon.....hehe.......God Bless us All.....Miracles can happen...........

Heng Boy Signing off.................xD