so let me tell you why im so addicted to this society.....but f.y.i. this society do not have any subtances of drugs.....haha....i wan to tell you this story is because i wan to share my hapiness to the world...because im proud to be a red crescent member....
it all started when i step into sekolah menengah kebangsaan Taman Klang Utama......by then i wasn to happy.....cause there are alot of news saying that the school is a school full with gangster.....so i wasn too happy being at that school....but as time pases by i felt that this school is full with good student.....so i started lovin this school......cause i have been chosen to be a prefect......
well being a prefect is hard......being a zoo keeper is easier than being a prefect in my school....oo ya almost out of the topick......by then i was a scout member.....scout in my school was nt quite active......so i wasn to interest to cocuricular activities....haiz.....
So it was may of 2006 and i felt i din did anything much.....by that very time my school Bsm...has organized a camp and they are opening the registration for the other uniform unit member...so i was thinkin since holiday is coming why dun i go and have a try.....So i've enter this camp name Kem Mezzaluna Rossa.....so i was quite impressed with the camp's activities....its really fun...
So after that i promise myself...i have to join this wonderfull society next year..... and before 2006 ended.....i've join the pembarisan tahunan.....and i saw all the red crescent member of klang....by that time i felt happy to be a member of this wonderful society....
So 2007 has came and my form teacher asked me why my name is in two uniform unit list....so my form teacher ask me to choose one.....obviously i will choose Bsmm...so i did......and i've join every of their perjumpaan and i've learned more when time pases by....then by then the society was offering the job for ahli jawatan kuasa.....bt ofcorse we have to go through a test....i tought it was a simple test...bt its not.....its somethin called 'sistem pelapis'.....and i've gone through alot by then.....they gave me a chance to be co organizers of kem mezzaluna rossa ke-2......i;ve gone through a lot of trainin..............o trust me.... its hard...... then finally i've been chosen to be an ahli jawatan kuasa......i was so happy......i was a penolong ketua seksyen of skills and orientation or 'latihan dan kursus'......and i tought that was egnough for me.....then it was end of 2007.....my ketua pasukan told me that theres gonna be a camp on december......then i've volunteer myself to enter that camp......that camp was a camp organized by chapter klang......and im honoured by that time to join such a camp.....so it was time for taklimat satu....and i saw my other school member was talkin with other members from other school.....i felt like they know each other for aa very long time....but No....they just know each other from other activities of chapter klang....for year 2007 that camp was in a way that school's send their best member and form a group to battle with other schools for the piala Shreenath that was 5 foot tall....wow.....that was a relief..i dun have tosplit up with my school members.....haha.....that camp was fun.....oo ya forgot to tell you the name of that camp.....the name of that camp is 'KEM BELIA'and i really had a great time.....by then i was proud of the organizers when i know they are just a bunch of student who was just 16 years old.......they were youth executive council 2007......i was impresed by the way they organized a camp with great success.....then i ask my KUS how can i be a member of Exco........then my KUS told me that i have to go through a process called b-team 1st....B-team is a bunch of passionate youth that are in form 3 and they are under trainin to be the next youth exco council.....so that was 2007........
Then it was year 2008.......and i was keep on active at chapters activities......to prove to my KUS i've got what it takes to be a B-team.......and my KUS have just sign up my name on MKUS.....i was so happy.....i cant wait to go for the 1st meeting for B-team........On the 1st meeting i saw lots of talent that i've saw in last year kem belia......i admit by then i was eager to be an exco.....then as time passed my relatonship has grow strong with the other B-teams.......and we have beacame a big family....as thia happen my interest to be an exco was still there but im curently happy with my fellow b-teams........So this is how bsmm change my life in every perspective....i've became a better person......a happier person....lolz..... a Better Man.....
So this is my Bsmm life.....im lovin it...........noboddy can change my mind to stop lovin Bsmm.........
heng signin of here.................................