Friday, August 14, 2009

when you believe.....nice song...very meaningful

many nights we pray.......

with no prove anyone could hear.....

in our hearts a hopeful song we barely understood

nw we are nt afraid.....although we know there are much to fear......

we were moving mountains long before we knew we could......

there can be miracles when u believe...though hope is frail.....its hard to kill

who knows wat miracles u can achieve.....

when u believe....somehow u will...u will when u believe

in this time of fear.....when press so often proof and vein...

hopes seems like the summer bird just swiftly flown away

and nw im standin hear,a heart so full i cant explain....

seeking fate and speaking words i nvr thought i will say

there can be miracles when u believe....

though hope is frail is hard to kill......

who knws wat miracles u can achieve

when u believe,somehow u will....

u will when u believe

they dun always happen when u ask for......and its easy to give in to your fears......

but when u are blinded by ur pain......

can see ur way into the rain

a small but still resliant voice says nothing very near

there can be mirales when u believe...

thoght hope is frail

its hard to kill

who knws wat miracles u can achieve

when u believe

somehow u will.......nw u will

u will when youy believe x3

wow great song telling me nt to give..........u can just imagine the song.....go search it by mariah carey and also david archuleta....

Life's like that

Back to ma sapi blogging mood.....

just feel like scolding ppl that dun appreciate themselves................

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Magical day............

Hi viewers............................

wooohoooooooo................lately im in a blogging mood...............none stop streak of blogging.....................dunno y.......feeling like shouting out my feeling.........

well today i went to a movie....and the movie was none other than Harry Potter and the half blood prince......................that show was u have to watch all the previous series to understand it...........and as usual.........i will learnt some lesson in the movie's i i admire harry alot......he is damn every way.........he is wiling to chase after voldermolt to take revenge for dumberdore..........
so that the was the brave harry potter...........and also in this movie i admire the most is dumbledore........because he is willing to sacrifice in order to destroy the evil 'lord voldermolt'he was such a nice and wise old man....................he is really one hell of a wizard.............three cheers for him...........

bt malang tidak the end.......he died...............killed by the half blood prince........a.k.a.snape.............haiz...........nobody's perfect.................

Ps:Taninananinana AH.....AH........lolz

Saturday, July 18, 2009

back to back action.....

hi viewers.................

today is not a like any other ordinary day for me........for me is history...............

today was smk taman klang utama anual general and guess leavin the dream i dreamed...............savadi its more than meets the eyes....ada udang di sebalik all in all it was a great feeling.......this the second time i am feeling great...........its really that was that.....and i got a really great ajk board working with we got damn lot to learn......pressure really coming in.............its like there are a million eyes waatching ur every move.................cekap feeling.......jia you,gambateh klang utama.....................i will always be there for u..................

next i went back to hq.................woohoo......saw mani,kiri,mahez,atul all.......damn nice......since they are bz with spm.....long time no see d.......and offcorse.......jevishna is back was great......then we celebrated suet chi b was great........afta that it was time for jumbara eye on was cekap man........they run the whole show full of semangat...............this semangat really wake me up frm my long time a way i was jealous in another way i was happy for them and i found a lot of solution in life.....cekap...thanks.........jumbara eye on star was great..............frm lion dance to the food to the deco.......

then we went kwang hua.....another great school..............the dewan was decorated like haunted house.........the emcee's was steady and cekap.....the deco was superb......the giant hand drawn backdrop was hand drawn backdrop i ever brain really absorb alot of great in all today was another lesson for really greatful get to go all this great event.......its man...............give a big hand clap to everyone truly the worse thing today was i cant overnight at hq god......its like puting salt in my wound.................................god bless me........................hope that our get a car soon..............................i cant standin taking bus or sending by others...........................................................................

shall i compare today with a summers day????????????????????haha

FYI guys:im trying to write a sonnet...................

Monday, July 13, 2009

to achive perfection...........

Hi resist two weeks not blogging.........and its sucks..........

there are alot emotion going on this past few weeks.........Happy.Sad,Excited,Suprise,Angrt etc.

but this is life............wat to do??????????there a lot of activities going on.......activities like my mom's car got stolen,i attended a sapi school camp,monthly test coming up,prom nite is 3 weeks away and the list goes the conclusion is life's goes on...........

well lately its time for confession 101.......lately i feel malas wanna go to school.......dunno y bt the interest is nt there........i love the subjects im taking and my teachers are i just dun have the passion to attend school.......i know SPM is next im just that i dun like to attend i will still survive and attend school......its just that im nt willing to.........god bless that i will love school soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........

today is also a memorable day for me.........cause i learnt a lesson when im at hqi had a chat with sir and he told me lots of stuff...........and i realise a lots of stuff......this is wat happen when u talk to sir.............and i felt like 'yea'.......wat sir said is true.................being good is not enough.......u have to be use im comfort in a good zone.......i have to keep on climbing until u achive greatness........u have to keep on move on in use u are good and u stop at really happy..........i got lots of idea to be a better leader and a better man really stisfy me....................and i promise myself to be more caring to the stuff that is hapening around is definately a day that i won will always be in my heart...........every word i heard will stays on til im in the grave..............

wow....i've got a lot of stuff in my mind to type it down.........stuff like micheal jackson past away....hehe

okay lets talk about my man mj..........his dead nw........the whole world knows........everybody whos is any body knw that is dead...........well after he is dead.......all the youngster start buying his cd and stuff like point in life is like that........ppl will only know how to appreciate when one individu or one item is lost or gone............ppl will only realise something is gone and will never come back when the thing is really conclusion......appreaciate wat u have......dun wait........start appreciating back to mj........lately when i look back at his consert and music video......i realise his damn cekap.......and i never know that until his dead......i always tot that micheal is a maniac or sumthin bcuz he was charge for children abuse and stuff like that.....well rest in piece micheal............u are really one hell of a pop king.........u will always be ya micheal.............god bless us all.........

look at the the charming micheal jackson when his young....

no offend he look ugly when he is at his age................

well mj R.I.P.....................................................................

so thats my simple tribute to him..............

well im loging off nw.......kindly drop some coments on my chat box....



Sunday, July 5, 2009

kem mz...........transformers........leadership......

Hi viewers.......

its been a long time since the last post............... no keyboard and no time........

nw im backto my bloggin mood.......

well my school camp just ended last week.........and it ended with no im glad to be organiser of that tought me a valueable lesson of leadership...........and i will always keep that in heart.....thanks leong chin............i have learn that there is time u have to make the dicission and also when things go wrong u have to adjust it back to a better situasion.....some basic stuff that i have forgotten...........after dad brought me to watch transformers...the same lesson strike my head when i saw how optimus prime lead the team ans sacrifice himself...........after that day i saw a diffrent perspektif in life......and i felt happy........

TRANSMORMERS 'REVENGE OF THE FALLEN'is a must see movie of the year........

gambateh.....hon yeen heng......

autobots roll out.......

ps:RIP 'the king of pop' micheal jackson.....bilie jean rocks.....

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Birthday 7th jun happy or sad????????

Hey all todays my birthday.............its been a long time i din post anything at my blog...........

i also promise sheila that i will give cpr to my here...........

today is my 16 birthday...........happy part is my exco and sir treat me a wonderful lunch yesterday after the i was very happy.................This is something i won forget.....thanks all are my LIGHT when i am traped in a dark dungeon............i am really greatful.......well thats yesterday...happy day............... mom and dad were not home to be with me...........fine......ok

well today when i woke up my phone is full of mesages........alot of birthday greetings from alot of ppl.......this is sumthin new.........thanks all............then my uncle came to visit and brought me my second cake......and also sounds usual he will mumble me its mom and dad is still nt around............nw that everyone is gone i was surfing around the net..............doing a litle 'site seeing'..............i sudenly think of sumthin......and someone cross my mind........ia m really missing that sumone.........its been a long time that i didn really had a talk to her........but all in all its ok...........hopefully she understand my feeling.................and hey guess what my mom calling a thousand time asking wat i wan to do for my answer is i dun know....................well life still goes on but i really need sumone to tell me wat to clueless........tell me at to do.....................................

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bio Test tomorow...........

hi guys,girls,macha,mak cik,uncle,bang,dik and all........

tomorow will be important for me as im taking my bio test hopefully God will be beside me ready to get a A1 and im gonna count on gonna be a cardiac one gonna stop me.....

Saturday, May 16, 2009

the best camp in the world is 14 days to go

guys and girls

Kem Tutti Fratteli is another 14 days to so damn exited.........the best camp in the world is coming........

busy schedule

hey busy schedule on the run .........alot of emotions have been running through my mind.......exam is on the track and just feeling like wan to have a rest........but in life u really have to sacrifice things u like.......i believe in the path im taking.........i fear nothing and i regret less.....well lately bad stuff have been comin and comin............although life is smooth but is ain perfect.........but i believe there is a rainbow after the rain..........

youth today,leaders tomorow......

busy scedule......

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

there's no place like home......

hihi all.......

i am just back from sik kedah.........well i was there for a camping trip name....'kem sukarelawan dan belia'........eventually its a camp organize by the malaysian red crecent and rakan muda malaysia.......and its not the camp i ussually attend.........i have learn some stuff there.........but most of all i've got closer with my mates.......well i've join a public speaking competition there........and all the skill was passen down to me by mr.syamir.........he help me even though its early in the morning.........well the camp its 'ok'..............haha but my point is there's no place like home..........i miss my hometown's camp...........well signing off

there's no place like home......

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hei its me again............

Today im in a mood to talk about EMOING.......but its not about me la.......pls take note.......ppl easily get emo.......thats a fact........they listen to song,they will cry....they sms,they will be sad........what is this.........why do ppl get emotional so's an answer..........they watch to much drama.......for me emoing doens cross my brain........OKAY lets get back to the topic.....

today after i finish my work i went makan with Mr.L,Mr.W,Ms.T and ofcorse Ms.A........we were having a nice little desert called ABC.......when we sat down.......i'm the first one to talk.......then we orderd food and drinks that each of us desired......then in the whole waiting for food process they were all senyap.......i know what happen......but i was told to shut up......each of them has their own problem......the whole meal was so the only one that babling here and i said......each of them has their own problem but some of them share the same prblem.....HAHA.....but i know all of the secret........but thats not my point......

MY point is dun get matter what happens life still goes body in this world can stand a day alone in this dun be sad,u still have your life.........appreciate it....

acctually the story that i gave up there was all crap.......i just post it to tell all of the ppl to dun be emo.......but if you terasa......saya tak boleh buat apa.......HAHA



Thursday, March 19, 2009

This is me.......if you dun like it keep it at heart dun tell me

001. Name → Hon Yeen Heng
002. Nickname(s)→ heng heng,hon and much more
003. Age→ 16 :)
004. Zodiac sign → gemini
005. Male or female → Male.
006. Elementary → sjk(c)pui ying
007. Middle School → smk taman klang utama
008. High School --> smk taman klang utama
009. College School --> I have no idea.
010. Hair color → Black.
011. Long or short → Short.
012. Loud or Quiet → im a speaker
013. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans.
014. Phone or Camera → Both. :)
015. Health freak → no way
016. Drink or Smoke? → None :)im a good boy
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → yupp.
018. Eat or Drink → Both :) yeah baby
019. Piercings → no
020. Tattoos → no way
023. First piercing →no
024. First best friend → Everybody =)
025. First award → quiz champ;ion:)
026. First crush → HER curently still her
027. First pet → a fish
028. First big vacation → Singapore.
030. First big birthday → haven yet i guess :D
049. Eating → everything :)
050. Drinking → water.
052. I'm about to → think about her :)
053. Listening to → beijing wlcomes you
054. Plans for today → go to hq :)
055. Waiting for → Her :)
058. Want kids? - yeah sure :)
059. Want to get married? → If its HER , why not ?? :)
060. Careers in mind → cardiac surgeon :D
068. Lips or eyes → Her's Perfect :D
070. Shorter or taller? → She's at the right height :)
072. Romantic or spontaneous → Both. :)
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Doesn't really matter.
074. Sensitive or loud → alil bit of both will do....but i like the way she is :)
075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship. :)
076. Troublemaker or hesitant → None.
080. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope.
081. Ran away from home → Never.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → Never. I'm a good boy :)
083. Killed somebody → NO O.o no way i safe lifes....
084. Broken someone's heart → I dont know. Have i ??
085. Been arrested → Never.
087. Cried when someone died → DUH.
089. Yourself → you bet one million ringgit for that :)
090. Miracles → ya. :)
091. Love at first sight → Yupp :D
092. Heaven → when i enter.
093. Santa Claus → i dun celebrate christmas.
094. Tooth Fairy --> not really :)
095. Kiss on the first date -> is all up to her :)
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → yupp , i really do = /
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → yupp , everything's nice =)
099. Do you believe in God → oooh. yeah :)

syntom to prove you are in love

Kiss on the stomach; be redi,...,
-Kiss on the Forehead; expresing a lov 4 him/her
-Kiss on the Ear; seducing!,haha!
-Kiss on the Cheek; cute,
-Kiss on the Hand; I adore yah!..
-Kiss on the Neck;We belong together..
-Kiss on the Shoulder;I want you..
-Kiss on the Lips;I love you..
__ __ ___ _________ _ ____ ____________ __ ___ _____ _ ____ ____
What the gesture means...
-Holding Hands; We definitely like each other.
-Slap on the Butt; That's mine.
-Holding on tight; I don't want to let go.
-Looking into each other's Eyes; liking each oder,
-Playing with Hair; Tell me you love me.
-Arms around the Waist; I like you too much to let go.
-Laughing while Kissing;I am completely comfortable with you.
________ _____ _________ __ ______ ____ ___________ ____ ___
Don't ask for a kiss, take one.
If you were thinking about someone while reading this,
you're definitely in Love.
______ _____ _______ ____ ______________ __________ __ ____
Post this again after reading!!
Or you will have a bad year of Relationships.
______________________________ ___ ____ __ _____________
If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now
and can't get them out of your head

try to tell them or just be like me post it out and hope that she or he will feel it.....haha

but ps:i got no one to tell all this thing to......

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Choices in life....

Some times we will come infront of choices............but as a wise man once told me a good leader can really pick a choice and forget another one...........for me its hard.........i can pick a choice but i cant stop thinking of outcome of the choice......i will ask myself had i chosen correct???????

what can i do.........bang myself in the head no dun be blogging ma........blogging really helped a lot...........

back to the topic......
so this is the thing that is currently happening on me........what to still has to go on.....

another thing is emo.........
yesterday two of my fren din get to go for a state level they also emo asking myself do emo help????????suddenly im also in a emo condition the end of thew way.........i had a good night sleep..........everything is fine now....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Exam coming up......

well EXAM is coming up.........and i starting to study.........but somehow i will lose focus........and i will think of other stuff............i easily lose today my day is just like any other......just wish that there will be someone there keep on supporting me..........i need some mental support..............but i know that all will be fine soon..........but not as strong as all of you think of...............but i am patient..............well.....i wish that everybody's exam result will be well......

this is a song lyrics that reflect most of the man heart.......

the song title is called the wan i love.........its in mandarin but i will translate.........


我爱的人 不是我的爱人
她真幸福 幸福 的真残忍

well this is just like this lyrics....oo....sry 4get to translate.....
now here it goes...

song title:The one i love
i know that the story won change(in translation of我知到故事不会太曲折)
in the end i will find some other people(我终会遇见一个什么人)
to finish my life with me without her(陪我过没有了她的人生)
continue my life as a usual adult(成家家立业的等等)
she did whats right for herself(她做了他觉得对的选折)
i can only pray that she is right(我只好祝福他真的对了)
cant love the one i love(爱不到我最想要爱的人)
what you still wan me to do????(谁还要我怎样呢)
chorus:the one i love is not my love one(我爱的人 不是我的爱人)
every layer of her heart belongs to another guy(她心里每一寸都属于另一个人)
she is really happy,but her happiness made me sad(她真幸福 幸福 的真残忍)
let me love and hate her love so deep(让我又爱又恨他的爱怎么那么深)
The wan i love has her own loved wan(我爱的人才他已有了爱人)
every time when i hear them say us(每当听见她或他说我们)
i feel that love is worthless(就想听见爱情永永恆的嘲笑声)

well this song is damn nice............hope you love it too.....this song scream out many men's

this is the link to the song:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

happy valentine..../HWP09 all the couple in the world and to every body in the world but mostly to my exco's Happy Valentine's day............but the most meaningful to me is not valentine.......the most meaningful thing to me is that me and my beloved exco's had some great clean fun in hwp.....haha a.k.a. House Warming Party.......yay................haha...........

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i found my pathway...

woohooo.....haha syok sendiri.......but im still in my stress month..zzzz...but what to do......just have to go on....haha.....until today i tot i have everything under control....until a wise man wake me i've got my spirit back......hopefully i can maintain......haha......i'am going to raise up the bar and show that the champ is body can stop me.......let me make a statement 'i fear nothing and i regret lest' even the mountain fall as long as im here everything is under my control......

Friday, February 6, 2009

im curently in my stress month.....

febuary is really not a mont for damn stress.......but life still move so busy....that even im sick i have to continue to act normal and continue life.....Sir was saying that this year will be tough year......and we won have time to date too......well i agree with him.....thats y im still cool and steady......lolz.....valentine is really not my type of festival........if i have a girl friend.....she will be screaming right now.......haha......luckly.....i dun have the other thing is im in the school debate team......well 1st match vs STK.....well this is all cool....but i stressful....sudently i regret joining the team......but they rugi ah without me....lolzzz.......but i got more stuff that is stressing me study and etc. then i go and view chia choong blog today.....his latest post is all about semangat bulan sabit.......we are really the wan rocks like mrcs chapter i felt that it is a must to post this blog.....i feel more relax now....but as i said life goes on......

Thursday, January 29, 2009

To suceed in life

today......when i came back from usual i straight away turn on my computer......i was bored.......i was thinking of what to do.......and then it struk my mind.......i rmb that sir love to watch grey's i wen tto search for grey's anatomy season one episod one to watch....after finish watching it....i felt somethin.....the new interns surgens was just like when i was in b-team....right at the bottom of the food chain.....every things will have a million of reasons to quit and no reeason to stay........but i stayed......i got scolded.......i got frens a re not suporting me....i had rivals to compete to be a EXCO.........but in the end of the day.....i did it.....i've got pick......the reason i post this is not to say how good am i......i post this is to tell everyone out not give up.......lifes tough.......when the going gets tough the tough gets going......

Sunday, January 25, 2009

youth EXCO council.....2009..

wow.....i've finish my 2008 with a wonderful rc very impressed.....i;ve finnaly acomplished something in life.......i've did it......i never felt that happy......alot people had douted me along the i did it.....i've ended a process that only as sir said'insane people can do it'haha.......but there's nothin much to be proud of......couse the third chapter of my life had just so im selected as a member of the youth exco council.....i will do my best to make our exco to beat the rest.........cause we are the best.....but curently i cannot said that until it is i will pray 4the best........exco rocks....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

1st week of 2209

heyhey.......curently im enjoying my this is the 1st week of 2009 and the week is almost all used all started with the 1st day of school that is is on 5th jan 09......i was worry that day.....can i get into the class i dream of........hope so......then the teachers said that we are nt going to know wat class we are in on that day........hate it keep on giving suspens...haha...then teachers givin taklimat about all the class we are gonna take......then they gave us aform and said we have to have our parents permision.......haiz after that i went for was end of 1st day of school.....

then the 2nd day.......i pass up my form 4 registration form and chosen the scirnce package that offer by our school......i was quite afraid im not going to make it....zzz...then finally after recess....the result came in and YES i was in 4Sscience 1.......the top science class in smk taman kalng utama.........when imy name was being called.....all of my buddies clap....cause they know i work very hard to enter that class......when i went home i told my my mom proudly i was a science m omo give any ig responce but i know shes happy....
so that was the 1st two days of school.....there we be the continue part.......cause im tired...zzzz so stay tune...........take care alll....